Make a gift to support ‘Expand Ministries & Aid International

Help us
change lives

We will make every dollar you give count and ensure that your support is reaching the right hands!

What your donation will do

Questions have a ssl certificate. all donations are done through PayPal. donations through Map Global are done through a secure Payment gateway

Donations through PayPal account is not tax deductible but payments through Map Global is

If you would like to see your gift in action or have any other questions,
please contact us email

In-kind donations

We appreciate support and donations of all kinds

often many people feel they the give too Little. Jesus when he looked at the widows two mites, He said she gave everything that she had and gave more than the other. Every little bit helps. from $40 i can start travel or send one of my African pastors to do training. 

To find out more information about in-kind donations please contact us at click here

“Many thanks to everyone who faithfully partnered with me through the years together we have planted churches, fed widows and orphans